About Me

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Houston, Texas, United States
My motto is, 'Though all the world may forsake me, God Almighty never has nor ever will abandon me, nor will he forsake me." - Resurgam (I Will Rise Again) "To sin by silence when we should protest makes cowards out of men." - Ella Wheeler-Wilcox

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Struggling With Loneliness And With Ostracization: My Two Biggest Challenges In Life

  I have struggled with loneliness and with ostracization since I was in elementary school. For many years, I have tried to understand why I suffer these things, and yet, oddly enough, I still cannot figure it out. Then again, when you're an honest, straightforward man like me, many people seem to hate you for being too honest, or in my case, both too honest and too intellectually minded. I have had a lot of people hate me for being too honest and for being highly intelligent from the time I was in junior high school to this very day, either out of jealousy of my intellectual abilities or because my honesty is too much for them to evidently tolerate.

 But these reasons alone do not entirely explain why I am lonely and ostracized so very much. I suffer from a myriad of health issues, ranging from bipolar disorder to Type 2 diabetes, which have afflicted me for a large part of my life. And in these harsh millennial times, when you're suffering from an emotional problem like bipolar disorder, as I have since I was five years old, you become a large target for ostracization and indeed much worse at the hands of the members of what is commonly called 'the normal world,' which considers people like myself who suffer from emotional disorders to be outcasts which need to be permanently locked away, like imbeciles and criminals, or at the very extreme, exterminated at birth in order to keep their 'normal world' from being 'swamped by mental retards and other abnormal types.' In the words of Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, 'Three generations of imbeciles are enough.' Apparently, such words as these seem to apply to those like myself, and they also appear to give many people the wrong idea about people who suffer from emotional problems as I myself do.

 While I don't deny that being bipolar is a difficult and stressful kind of issue to deal with for a man like me, I do deny that it makes me retarded, or an imbecile, or in any way a danger to society in general. Rather, bipolar disorder is not a mental disorder, but it is an emotional disorder. And according to my psychiatrist, there is a vast difference between mental and emotional disorders. I would honestly trust the word of my accredited and by-the-book psychiatrist before I would believe the jaundiced and prejudicial views and opinions of a biased, uninformed, and unknowing society which claims to be so very 'normal' yet seems to be more than ready to jump to unverified and prejudicial assumptions and extremely biased opinions about people like myself who suffer from such emotional problems like bipolar disorder.

 Nonetheless, such prejudiced views and biased opinions, together with the fact that I am highly intellectual and very honest in all things, are unfortunately the very reasons as to why I suffer loneliness and ostracization at the hands of the prejudiced, biased, uninformed 'normal world.' I pray that one day, sooner rather than later, that such prejudiced opinions and biased thinking concerning people like myself who suffer from emotional problems like bipolar disorder can be put aside in favor of more educated and confirmed knowledge about these kinds of issues. Until then, I must apparently continue to look forward to even more loneliness and increasing ostracization at the hands of the so-called 'normal world' and its prejudiced, biased, and uninformed members without any respite or any hope for peace in my troubled, lonely life.

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