About Me

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Houston, Texas, United States
My motto is, 'Though all the world may forsake me, God Almighty never has nor ever will abandon me, nor will he forsake me." - Resurgam (I Will Rise Again) "To sin by silence when we should protest makes cowards out of men." - Ella Wheeler-Wilcox

Thursday, April 8, 2021

How I Deal With The Cumbersome Stress Of My Troubled Life

  If there is one man who has been through turmoil, stress, loneliness, heartbreak, and betrayal all at one time in their life, I am that man. Yet even though I continue to struggle with these and indeed many other things in my troubled life, I somehow manage to find a few things to do that provide some temporary relief for the otherwise endless pain and sorrow I feel and endure every day because of what I suffer from so continually.

 For instance, I am an avid city bus rider. At first, I occasionally rode on the local routes around my neighborhood, but, as time progressed, I started to expand the area in which I rode the city bus in, until I learned practically every bus route in my city like it was second nature. Indeed I can say that I have been from one end of my city to another just by riding the city bus. I can also claim that I learned much about my hometown by riding the city bus, certainly more than I knew before I did. Riding the city bus provides a temporary means of escape from the otherwise dull and lonely life that I endure at home.

 I also find time to do an extensive amount of reading as well. My primary reading interest is in history, both global history and American history also. In rare moments, I find time to read the Bible and to study biblical history as well. One might say I am a history buff of a rare sort. But I take no credit for my extraordinary intellectual abilities, for those were instilled in me from my earliest years by both my late father and my mother. My father taught me how to read when I was just barely a year old, and by the time I was six years old, I had a tested 12th-grade reading level with college-level reading comprehension. My mother ignited my passion for learning history when I was about ten years old.

 I also have found time to go to public shopping malls around my hometown to walk and window-shop. Indeed one might say I walk to ease my stress and to lose some weight, for health purposes. But I also walk around the malls to explore new things and places as well.

 So, in spite of the many cumbersome and burdensome things I endure in my life, I have at least a short list of things to do that provide some temporary relief to my troubled life and that provide a means to ease my mind and my soul of the troubles and burdens that are carried by them every day of my life and indeed have been carried around by them for the last 21 years now. And as I always say, "Some relief, however temporary it may be, is far better than none at all."

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