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Houston, Texas, United States
My motto is, 'Though all the world may forsake me, God Almighty never has nor ever will abandon me, nor will he forsake me." - Resurgam (I Will Rise Again) "To sin by silence when we should protest makes cowards out of men." - Ella Wheeler-Wilcox

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

A Cogent Argument Against The Abortion Industry

  In all truth, I am against abortion and all things associated with it. I know many may think me an extremist for thinking so, but I assure you I am not anything of the sort. This is how to better explain why I feel abortion is as evil and as degraded as would be the wholesale slaughter of children in a schoolroom, to be brutally frank.

 In essence, we as Americans seem to be getting used to many extreme things, but one thing we are understandably against is schoolroom shootings, as well as violent shootings in other places also. So while we vent against the gun lobby for facilitating the weapons used in these senseless shootings, with some fair reasoning, why do we not vent against the abortion lobby for the wholesale murder of innocent unborn children as well? Indeed, I have wondered as to why such is not the case.

 My point is simple and cogent: If we worry so much about gun violence affecting the safety of our schoolchildren, why do we not worry about the murder of millions of innocent unborn babies which are killed in the abortion mills of Planned Parenthood? Why do we not consider the rights of all children, both born and unborn? Now I say if we cannot say or do anything to stop the murder of unborn children in the abortion mills of Planned Parenthood, there is really little to no point in worrying about gun violence affecting the safety of our schoolchildren. After all, if you can't stop the abortion industry and what it does to the lives of innocent unborn children, why argue against the gun lobby and its facilitation of the weapons used in school shootings and other mass killing incidents?

 I think it is only logical to assume that if we as Americans are so sensitive about gun violence, we ought to be just as sensitive about the murder of innocent unborn children who are being butchered without letup in every abortion mill of Planned Parenthood. That is my honest feelings about this critical issue. Paraphrasing Martin Luther, 'Here I stand; I cannot do otherwise.'

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