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Houston, Texas, United States
My motto is, 'Though all the world may forsake me, God Almighty never has nor ever will abandon me, nor will he forsake me." - Resurgam (I Will Rise Again) "To sin by silence when we should protest makes cowards out of men." - Ella Wheeler-Wilcox

Saturday, January 23, 2021

American Generosity Vs. Illegal Aliens' Treachery

  In many ways, it would seem that we Americans are too blue-blooded and indeed too generous with rogues, even with those who seek our utter destruction. Then again, it is within our nature as Americans to be overtly generous and forgiving with such rogues like that. But when such rogues prove themselves repeatedly treacherous and destructive to our nation and to our safety, as doubtless Hispanics have done for many a year, even a true American citizen like myself has to ask why do we continue to show leniency and forgiveness to such rogues like these treacherous Hispanics?

 We as Americans have been too generous and too forgiving with Hispanics who seek to destroy our nation, our way of life, and indeed even our lives for far too long. At a time when millions of decent American citizens are struggling to find useful employment, millions of Hispanics are taking our jobs and our businesses with such ease, it makes one wonder this: why are Americans allowing so many jobs to fall into the greedy hands of the Hispanic races? 

 And while millions of decent Americans follow the laws of this land, Hispanics seem to believe that they are above and beyond the laws of America, so much in fact that they even consider us teaching them our laws, language, and customs are somehow an anathema to their 'racial and cultural sensitivities.' Well, with all due respect, if we as Americans were to pay a visit to the poverty-stricken, disease-ridden nations of these Hispanics, they would expect us to respect their laws, language, and customs, so why should we as Americans not expect Hispanics to do the same thing here in our own nation? Now that should be something for Americans to ponder about, eh?

 Plus, we allow the Hispanics to plant their foreign flags in our land and to put up their businesses according to the Hispanic language too much in my honest opinion. Now I say if we as Americans cannot plant our own flag in an Hispanic nation, then in all fairness, we should not once allow Hispanics to plant their foreign flags in our nation, nor should we allow them to build a business with Hispanic-language signs upon it. Also, we should never allow Hispanics to force us to speak their language alongside our own, but rather, we should require all Hispanics to learn our language, laws, and customs as a condition of receiving their citizenship in our land.

 Now there may be those who would claim I am a racist for saying these things. I beg to differ, for that is not so. Rather, I am an American citizen, and a realist, and I think it is only just and fair that we should do unto our fellow man as we would have them do unto us, and likewise vice versa. If Hispanics would have us respect the customs, laws and language of their poverty-stricken, disease-ridden Third World lands, then by all means, both rightly and justly, we should both expect and make them do the same thing towards our own laws, customs, and language in our own nation. What goes around ought to come around and what is fair for one group ought to be fair for all others, after all.

 That is my view, both in honesty and in truth. It is not racist, nor is it bigoted, to claim what I have said here. Rather, it is a harsh but justified fact. And believe me, truth and reality is a harsh dish that is never easy to digest for some, indeed most, but it is a dish that must be digested for the common good of all people.

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