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Houston, Texas, United States
My motto is, 'Though all the world may forsake me, God Almighty never has nor ever will abandon me, nor will he forsake me." - Resurgam (I Will Rise Again) "To sin by silence when we should protest makes cowards out of men." - Ella Wheeler-Wilcox

Sunday, July 5, 2020

A Long Line Of Corruption Out Of Chavez High School: The Reason Why There Are No Pacts Between Wolves And Humans


To be sure, I have often mentioned how I suffered four years of misery, hell, pain, and heartbreak at one of the worst prison facilities that HISD could ever have the damnable gall to label a high school: Cesar E. Chavez High School, located in Houston's southeast side along Highway 3 near Howard Drive. This is to better explain to all who will read this about the base-born hoodlums and miscreants that I was forced to share my graduation day with in May 2005.

This is an actual photo of one of Chavez High School's notorious prostitutes, Dolly Mac, AKA Ashley Macias, and a friend of hers leaning forward on a HPD squad car. This is exactly the kind of trash that our local police chief, Art Acevedo, truly protects and serves, and then has the unmitigated gall to defend these creatures from state and federal immigration authorities.

 This is what one might call a binge drinking party between Yesenia Najera, one of the asinine fools who I was forced to graduate with from Chavez High School in May 2005, and her friends, but if this is what LULAC terms Houston's 'new majority,' it augers extremely ill omens for the very future of my hometown indeed.

This is what the asinine, corrupt teachers and administrators of Cesar E. Chavez High School and indeed of Houston Independent School District call 'the future of Houston, Texas.' If this bloody, crooked, criminal scum of the local barrios is what passes in the eyes of the largest school district in the state of Texas as the future of my hometown, I guess hell itself could not consume them quickly enough, and thus it had to spew them back up here upon Earth.

 And last but not least, this latent bully and harlot, Jessica Hernandez-Lino, is cogent proof of why the girls of Cesar E. Chavez High School in Houston, Texas are not known for their virtue, intelligent or otherwise, but are rather notorious for their asinine contempt for any good virtues and their constant embrace of, to quote their own unofficial motto, 'pimpin' the bitches and fuckin' the hoes.'

 So now, can you honestly tell me just how in the name of bleeding Jesus Christ can such worthless garbage as this which I have described here be considered the future of my hometown of Houston, Texas, and while you're at it, tell me also why in the bowels of hell they are so richly favored by our asinine and incompetent politicians like our own asinine, corrupt, and incompetent local police chief, Art Acevedo?
 It sure does beat the hell out of me as to how this is so true indeed.

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