About Me

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Houston, Texas, United States
My motto is, 'Though all the world may forsake me, God Almighty never has nor ever will abandon me, nor will he forsake me." - Resurgam (I Will Rise Again) "To sin by silence when we should protest makes cowards out of men." - Ella Wheeler-Wilcox

Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Game of Love

 In the course of my life, I've witnessed a lot of women get with some boy who thinks he can be a man before his time rather than get with a man who is truly mature and ready for life and marriage. It's almost rather irksome that these women say they are the brains of any relationship they create, for in the end, they become little more than lackeys for a boy who will never grow up and mature up.
 My solution to this little problem for women these days is quite simple: Look before you leap. In more specific words, don't choose a guy based on his looks, his goods, his money, or his smooth words, but rather, choose a man based on his deeds, his actions, and his true character. And for heaven's sake, pick a man that is mature and made of sterner stuff than some little boy who thinks he can be a man but in truth is not, nor ever will be, a grown man.
 Too many times, most women I've run into say they are bored with their men. Well, my answer to that issue is also quite simple: If a man is working hard, putting food on the table, and trying his best to make you happy and keep you safe, let him know in some manner that he is appreciated for his efforts. Indeed there are other women who'd love to have a man like the one you have. But if he is lazy, shiftless, and deadbeat, as well as immature and unwilling to work and provide for you, he isn't worth your time. There are better fish in the sea, ladies.
 I may never have been married, I may never have had relationships with women, and I may never have had sex, but even I know what the difference is between a real man and some silly boy who thinks he can be a man but in truth can never become a man. And believe you me, ladies, if I can know that for a fact, so can you. We're all human after all.
 Any questions?

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