About Me

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Houston, Texas, United States
My motto is, 'Though all the world may forsake me, God Almighty never has nor ever will abandon me, nor will he forsake me." - Resurgam (I Will Rise Again) "To sin by silence when we should protest makes cowards out of men." - Ella Wheeler-Wilcox

Friday, May 10, 2024

A New Year With New Tragedies

  In all truth, this current year is a mere repeat of the past year, albeit with new and even harsher tragedies attached to it. My mother is dead, my elder sister hates me with a virulent passion, and I am all alone in a world where death is more preferable than life itself for me.

 With the death of my mother, my entire life has glided into complete chaos and turmoil. I have no one to live for anymore, for without my mother, whatever reason I had to live on for died with her in December 2023. I am currently homeless, lost, and alone in a strange town known as Edmond, Oklahoma, somewhere north of Oklahoma City, where I was dragged to by my elder sister in order to serve as her official ATM machine and eternal supplier. When I refused to go along with her ideas, she tossed me out of her house and into the streets, where I am currently struggling to survive until I can get myself back to Houston. Only my youngest sister remains loyal to me for the time being, and even so, I am not very sure about her loyalty to me. So I am in a position where I feel like committing suicide, to be frank. If there is a worse place than hell, I am currently in it right now.

 With both my parents dead, along with the bulk of my relatives who ever cared for me in my life, and with only one friend who I can trust, my dear friend Sara Cooper, I am in a state of deep depression and grief, and I have nowhere to go and hardly anyone to turn to for help. Indeed, you might say that God has dealt me a very harsh hand in my life in this current year.

 So while some can say that 2024 is a good year for them, in no way can I say the same thing for myself thus far. Perhaps with time, things might improve in my life, but for now, this has not proven to be the case for me.

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