About Me

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Houston, Texas, United States
My motto is, 'Though all the world may forsake me, God Almighty never has nor ever will abandon me, nor will he forsake me." - Resurgam (I Will Rise Again) "To sin by silence when we should protest makes cowards out of men." - Ella Wheeler-Wilcox

Thursday, October 19, 2023

A Life Without Love

For many a man like me,

Love is as easy to find as the sea,

Yet for me, love is as rare as a blue moon,

Hence why I am as lonely as an old buffoon.

I have loved a few ladies, but they never loved me in return,

Their betrayal of me was a venomous sting that left quite a burn,

Yet I never once returned their evil upon them, no indeed,

For I am a far better kind of male breed.

O ladies of the earth, what have I done to make you hate me so?

What evil have I done to you, of which I do not know?

I have never wanted to bring you cruelty, avarice, nor harm,

But rather I seek to bring you love, grace, and charm.

As I live a life without love,

I look up to God on His throne above,

And I ask Him, "Why do you leave me without a lady?"

And so far, He has not yet answered me.

A life without love is the life I am currently living,

For me, it is the most bitter sort of thing,

If only women could see me as I truly am, and not what I seem to be,

Then perhaps they might find that I can make them happy.

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